Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Special School District Essay Example for Free

Special School District Essay Clare Foley, an eleven year- old, is suffering from mild mental disorder. According to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), the Special School District of St. Louis Country (SSD) should provide special education for children with disabilities in public schools (153 F. 3d 863). However, due to proximity, Clares parents transferred her to St. Peters Catholic School. It is also required that she has to undergo occupational, physical, and language therapy. These were among the demands of Clare’s parents to the SSD. SSD, on their part, denied the request because they claim that the statute restrains them from providing special educational services to private schools. Instead, they offered dual enrolment for Clare whereby she has to travel from St. Peters to receive the services (153 F. 3d 863). However, Clares parents asked IDEA for due process hearing based on the amendment made in the Act wherein disabled children have rights to receive educational services even if enrolled in private schools. In hearing the case, the panel rejected the claim of Clares parents on the ground that IDEA prohibits educational services in a sectarian school. Issue: Does Clare has an individual right to request for special education from SSD despite the fact that she studies in a private school? Holding: The district court decided in favor of SSD based on the hearing panels findings. The Court of Appeals affirmed the decision of the district court. Reason: The hearing panel concluded that the IDEA does not require SSD to provide special education services at a private school (153 F. 3d 863). Moreover, the amendment stated that â€Å"SSD cannot pay the costs of special education services for a particular child† (153 F. 3d 863). However, the SSD is required to spend proportionate amount for a class of students. In the present case, Clare alone is asserting such right which has been granted only to a class of students. Significance: This case limits the responsibilities of the public school mandated to grant public educational services and the rights of the children with disabilities. It serves as a clear example that the special education is not absolute and for reason of fairness it cannot be granted to specific individuals. Reference Bulk. Resource. Org. (2008). Foley v. Special School District of St. Louis County. Retrieved June 5, 2008, from http://bulk. resource. org/courts. gov/c/F3/153/153. F3d. 863. 97-2419. html

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Why Is Religion Important? Essays -- Why Study Religion?

"This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness." -- Dalai Lama In a world where religions plays such a major role in people’s lives, it is not surprising why it is such a major focus in the way choices and decisions are made. There are many religions throughout the world. Some are faiths with a very concentrated following in specific geographic areas, while others span the entire globe and have enormous numbers of followers. Each of the world’s major religions has definite distinctions that set themselves apart from others and that make them unique. These religions, however, all follow the same basic morals and guidelines that are quite similar. The most widely followed faith on the planet is Christianity. Followers of Christianity believe that God sent his own son Jesus to earth to save them from their own sinful ways. They believe that Jesus was killed for his teachings and was then resurrected after lying in a tomb for three days. The main Christian holy day is celebrated on the day Jesus rose from the dead. This day is known as Easter Sunday and is the center of the entire faith. The ultimate goal for Christians is to have their souls join God in heaven when they die where they will live forever in eternal happiness. Christianity is broken up into three different groups that follow similar beliefs but do differ on some. Roman Catholics are the first type. They make up the largest single faith in Christianity. Catholics are united under their leader, the Pope who resides in Rome. They interpret meaning from the Bible to use in everyday life. Roman Catholic scholars, who spend their lives interpreting ... ...s teachings say that all of life is suffering and that this suffering is caused by desire. He said that the only way to end suffering is to end desire and to end desire you must follow the Eight Paths of Enlightenment. There are other smaller groups of religious beliefs like Confucianism, which is basically a respect for elders. Most people in Japan follow this belief. Animism is a faith followed by more primitive cultures throughout Africa and Asia. This centers on the fact that spirits inhabit everything in nature and are thus worshipped for it. Religion remains a crucial part of world politics. It is the driving force behind much of today’s biggest problems, and until everyone learns to respect one another’s differences this unnecessary violence will continue. Dalai Lama Quote

Monday, January 13, 2020

Correlation between Employees’ Job Satisfaction and Demographic Variables

An Analysis of the Correlation between Employees' Job Satisfaction and Demographic Variables Over the last decades, Job satisfaction has been identified as the major research traditions in organizational psychology. Job satisfaction can significantly influence the company as Job satisfaction can positively affect employee commitment and working performance, which will determine the overall success and development of the company (Feinting, 2000).Empirical research has shown that there are certain variables which may play an important role in mediating Job satisfaction in the oracle. The factors affecting employee Job satisfaction include the personal traits of individuals, Job scope, and organization characteristics. (Gilson and Derrick, 1998). The study of the relationship between length of service and Job satisfaction variables remains among the most promising of these studies (Kirk, 2003). Other demographic variables to consider include age, gender and nationality.Several studies ( e. G. , Betel and Brenner, 1986; Creighton, 1977; Wilting, Arnold, and Conrad, 1978; Gomez-Mejia, 1983; Griffin and Bateman, 1986) indicated that these demographic rabbles (gender, age, education, length of service and nationality) affect work values, which are related to Job satisfaction and commitment to a certain extent. There are also studies that tackled the issue from another perspective, which reported that there is a correlation between Job satisfaction and performance (Herbert, Amasser, Peterson & Capable, 1957).According to Bedpan, Ferris and Kumar (1992), age and Job satisfaction are positively related because an older employee will be able to hold a higher position and obtain a higher salary since they are more experienced, thus aging them more satisfied than younger employee. Besides age, the correlation between gender differences and Job satisfaction have also been widely studied. Witt and Nee (1992) suggested that there is no correlation between the gender differences and the Job satisfaction.In addition, Kirk (2003) has also proposed that there will be significant relationship between the length of service and Job satisfaction, but there is no conclusive evidence that a longer length of service means a higher Job satisfaction. The present study aimed to investigate the degree to which employees' anemographic variables are related to their level of Job satisfaction at work. Based on the literature review, it was hypothesized that age is positively related to Job satisfaction among the employees.Similarly, it was also hypothesized that the length of service is also positively correlated with Job satisfaction. From the research examined, it was anticipated that gender difference and nationality does not have any correlation with Job satisfaction. Methods Participants A total number of 30 employees, who are currently working in the marketing apartment of an international company called Singapore International Chamber of Commerce, took part in the s urvey conducted for the purpose of the research.Out of these 30 participants, 50% of them were men with the remaining 50% were female. The sample has an age range from 18 to 48 years old with a mean age of 29. 63 (SD = 9. 13). In term of nationality, there were 15 Australians, 5 Singapore, 5 New Zealand, 2 Irish, 1 South African, 1 German and 1 English. All participants completed the questionnaire voluntarily with no remuneration. Materials The questionnaire consisted of two parts: The Job Satisfactory Survey and a Demographic Data Sheet.The 3-item Job Satisfactory Survey was constructed to measure the overall Job satisfaction of the participants. It was designed to assess their level of Job satisfaction towards three areas: their Job, scope of work and working in the current organization. The participants were asked to rate their overall level of Job satisfaction based on the three questions on a 7-point Liker scale from 1 (Extremely Dissatisfied) to 7 (Extremely Satisfied). Theref ore, the total scores for the three questions could theoretically range from a minimum score of 3 to a maximum score of 21 .A Demographic Data Sheet was also included in the questionnaire to obtain basic profile information such as gender, age, nationality and length of service from the participants. Procedure All the 30 participants were instructed to gather outside an enclosed meeting room on a Friday evening where they were provided with a set of questionnaire. Each participant was given a maximum time of 15 minutes to complete the survey in the eating room and only one participant was allowed to enter at a time so as to ensure that there would be no distraction.At the end of the session, the questionnaires were collected and placed in a sealed envelope to ensure that all information provided were kept confidential. None of the questionnaires were left uncompleted, thus ensuring the validity of all data collected. The data was being computed and analyzed using the Statistical Pac kage for Social Scientists (SPAS, standard version 19, 2011). Results The results of the analysis of the correlation between the employees' overall Job distraction and demographic variables (length of service, age, gender, nationality) are presented in Table 1.The internal consistency of the 3-item Job Satisfactory Survey was an excellent reliability of 0. 87 in Cockroach's alpha test.