Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Procrastination My Strengths And Weaknesses - 1216 Words

After thinking about my strengths and weaknesses, my change in behavior that I would like to change is procrastination. Procrastination has continued to cause me problems throughout my life, especially when it comes to school. I did not always have this habit. I would always start early so that I would not have to worry about it later, but it seems over the years that mentality changed. I cannot remember how I became this way, but I do know that I need to stop this habit before it gets out of hand. The main reason why I want to change is because I want to live a long, successful and pleasant life. I need to fix my bad habit, because procrastinators always regret not doing what they did then later in life and I want to make sure that I never feel this way. There are many things that I want in my life, but 30 years from now I want to feel accomplished and satisfied that I did everything that I wanted to do up until then. I want to move to Miami or Arizona, where I can pursue personal training and eventually open my own gym. I plan on investing in housing, because it never hurts to have extra sources of income. I see myself with about three kids, two boys and one girl. I want both of my sons to play baseball and my daughter will either be a doctor or a lawyer, hopefully. After being financially stable then I want to travel to Tokyo and Puerto Rico and then continue the rest of my life playing golf on the weekends with my other rich friends. I also want to help my mother out asShow MoreRelatedPersonal Strengths and Weaknesses1028 Words   |  5 PagesAn individuals personal strengths and weaknesses are life learning experiences and we all as human beings have different levels strengths and weaknesses. Sometimes a persons strengths and w eaknesses may seem very difficult to discuss at times. 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